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SaaS Websites for Marketers

Not all startups and small businesses can afford a custom coded mobile 1st ready website. They switch to WordPress and other Open-Source CMSs and the problem begins. The never-ending security vulnerability, never-ending updates, not being Mobile 1st, performance issues, and so many other issues.

To help these businesses, we offer 3 different websites and you can select whichever you want and restart your business with any of them. Instead of wasting your time on plugin updates, solving performance issues, and SEO tricks, .... focus your time on expanding your business, finding new markets, new clients and making money.

1. SaaS Commerce

SaaS Commerce is ideal for Saas and virtual products. You can accept any kind of payment, from fiat money through Stripe or 2Checkout or any kind of Cryptocurrency through BitPay, Payeer or AlfaCoins and receive the payments to your bank account or digital wallet of your choice.

The Administration panel lets you add/edit any number of pages, and add them to the Pages or Products/Services menu, enable/disable menus, edit the home page and much more.

A live demo version is available and you can see the SaaS Commerce in Action

Web hosting and 20 POP3/IMAP/SMTP email accounts included in this service.


2. Marketer

The Marketer plan is ideal for marketers. any of your clients will be automatically treated as an affiliate. You can sell your online training videos, eBooks or any other services that you offer, create your landing pages. you can use any Bootstrap coding on your editor. This plan supports 2CheckOut or Stripe as a payment gateway.

The Administration panel lets you add/edit any number of pages, and add them to the Pages or Products/Services menu, enable/disable menus, edit the home page and much more.

A live demo version is available and you can see the SaaS Commerce in Action

Web hosting and 10 POP3/IMAP/SMTP email accounts included in this service.

3. Starter

The Starter plan is ideal for Startups, and those that want to feel how a high-performance website can affect positively their business makes their SEO efforts respond faster and better and get better results. any of your clients will be automatically treated as an affiliate. You can sell your online training videos, eBooks or any other services that you offer, create your landing pages. you can use any Bootstrap coding on your editor.

The Administration panel lets you add/edit any number of pages, or landing pages you want. Edit the home page and much more.

A live demo version is available and you can see the SaaS Commerce in Action

Web hosting and 5 POP3/IMAP/SMTP email accounts included in this service.


* ALL Above plans include our technical support.

See Plans and Pricing

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