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Online Trainings


Knowing HTML5 and CSS helps you make professionally designed websites even in WordPress.

In this training, you will learn how to create responsive web pages, buttons, and forms

Fee: $300 per student
Duration: 10 sessions, each 50 min.
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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HTML5/CSS (Advanced)

Knowing HTML5 / CSS and bootstrap helps you make professionally designed websites even in WordPress.

In this training, you will learn how to create responsive web pages using bootstrap

Fee: $750 per student
Requirement: You must know HTML5+CSS
Duration: 15 sessions, each 50 min.
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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WCAG 2 (ADA) Design Basics

Learn how to create WCAG 2.x (ADA) pages, and forms so that people with special disablities can use your website and make your website ADA Compliant.

Fee: $1000
Requirement: You must know HTML5 and CSS
Duration: 5 sessions, each 50 min.
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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PC Security

Learn how to install, configure, and use antivirus and firewall security software on your computer, and how to stop remote access to your computer, do secured shopping. This training includes help for installation and configuration.

Fee: $1000 per student
Duration: 10 sessions, each 50 min.
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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Learn C/C++ (BASIC)

C and C++ are two of the most important programming languages. Most of the Operating systems, device drives, and many applications are written in C/C++. Learn C/C++ and fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming from the very beginning

Fee: $1875 per student
Duration: 25 Sessions, each session 50 min.
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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Social Media Protection How to

Learn how to set up and configure the security and privacy sections of your social media accounts in order to protect your privacy

Fee: $150 per student
Duration: 3 sessions each 45 min
Platform: Cisco WebEx/Zoom

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Classes will be held between 10 AM - 3 PM CST

If you don't have a Cisco WebEx account, go to www.webex.com and create a free account. Download the software and install it.

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